“This is Brilliant”
Programme Diary
Posted 21st October.
Our jobseeker team have created a prototype employment service finder tool. We also mapped the majority of employment services in Bucks. This new tool will make it easier for both service managers and individual jobseekers to identify the rights employment service to help them. It’s a fantastic achievement.
When demonstrating this new tool to managers of the local service provider forum it was declared “brilliant”. A member of the council described how this is something they have needed for many years.
We hope to launch the tool in the next 6 weeks.
Also we had more fantastic news this month. As two Reach4Work volunteers were offered paid work and two more people are undertaking further study.

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Get In Touch
Please say the type of work you are interested in and tell us a little about yourself.
Email info@reach4work.org.uk if we don't reply within a few days.