My Experience of Joining BuDS As A Reach4Work Participant
Written by Written by Huw Feakes for Volunteers Week
Disclaimer: this is a personal blog by a BuDS member. The views expressed are personal, and don’t necessarily represent those of BuDS or our Trustees.
My Name is Huw, I first heard about BuDS through my employment coach at Talkback, this is because I am looking to gain some experience to help me get a paid job in the future. After taking a couple of weeks to officially join I started volunteering with the Reach4Work team 2 weeks ago.
I have spent that time getting up to speed and getting myself familiarised with their online system. I have also attended both the start and end of day meetings with the other members of the BuDS team. I feel that the members have made me feel welcome and can help me if I have any queries or problems that I may have. I also completed an individual development plan when I first started, this was done by the organisation to get a better understanding of myself and any needs that I may have. It is also useful for my team leader and mentors as it helps them to get to know a bit about me and to get an idea of what my aims and achievements are.
As part of my induction and training, I have also completed a mandatory online meeting on safeguarding which is important, as participating in this meeting gives me a better understanding of the organisation’s safeguarding policy. This is necessary for me to know so that I understand what I need to do and what to not do in a wide range of situations.

"Whilst I am at BuDS I will be able to gain some valuable skills that I will be able to use in any future job that I may get”
Whilst I am at BuDS I will be able to gain some valuable skills that I will be able to use in any future job that I may get. These include skills like working with others in a team, using IT software to complete tasks and projects and using my communication skills when communicating with others in my team. In the next 12 weeks at BuDS, I would like to be able to take part in and complete a range of tasks and projects. By doing this it will help me be able to develop the set of skills that I already have in addition to these, I will also be able to learn new skills that will be useful to helping me in the future.
If you are interested in joining BuDS as a volunteer, please email or leave a voicemail with us on 01494 211179 and we will get back to you.
My Experience of Joining BuDS As A Reach4Work Participant
My Name is Huw, I first heard about BuDS through my employment coach at Talkback, this is because I am looking to gain some experience to help me get a paid job in the future.
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